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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Live-culture fermentation

Live-culture fermentation Video Clips. Duration : 33.88 Mins.

Google Talk Tech, March 26, 2010 ABSTRACT T Stanley Benjamin. This process of presentation is a story short, and so the science of fermentation. There are concrete examples of the different fermentation, including the production of milk and cheese, vinegar / pickling and cooking. to share samples of various products to talk and discuss with the group. Benjamin T Stanley, a young aspiring chef, who is currently in Chicago. YoursDiploma in Culinary Arts and Sciences, Kendall College (Rome, Italy). He has experience in many areas of the food sector, including administration, catering, hospitality, food, research and development. She is the cook in the national rankings Chain of Roasters, and has a passion for learning and teaching for him. He is currently working on the Bell and flavors, the taste of the ingredients and producers that demand for cooking. Itencourages flavors, creating products of industrial and food testing in world consumption.

Tags: google, tech, talk, food, chemistry, cooking

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